Monday, November 24, 2008

24/7 Week of Prayer

So how has my week been going? AMAZING. This past week was such a ground breaking week for our school. We had a 24/7 week of prayer so we signed up for hour slots set up for all hours of the week. We started on Sunday as a group and then we continued on throughout the week. Every morning we had a chapel service put on by some of the Kaleo students and everyday one of the students would share their testimony if they felt led. It was really cool to hear some of their testimonies on how God has worked in their life and to hear their hurts and the ways in which God has started to bring them freedom through the sharing of their stories and surrendering their past hurts. For me this week was one of acknowledgement. I had some really good conversations with some of the students and in the prayer room God really spoke and convicted me of some things. One thing that was on my mind throughout the week came from some comments that fellow students left on my sheet of paper. When going into the prayer room there was a border of all the fellow students and staffs faces of pictures that were taken at the beginning. With those were sheets on paper on the desks for us to write encouraging words or anything as they felt led to do. On my paper it was mentioned a couple of times that I need to be more open (well that was my interpretation). I started to think and pray over this and how I haven't felt open here in this community. I do really enjoy Kaleo however I haven't felt right being here almost. I haven't felt free to be and express myself at times. Usually as you would know I love worship and I love using my musical abilities to worship God. Here I haven't been able to feel free to do so, I do not feel adequate and am worrying about what others may think about my voice, or guitar playing abilities. Its ridiculous because we are a great community but I haven't been able to feel free in using my gifts to serve God and them. Something else that struck me came with the word Christ confidence, that is my main part of my testimony. In Australia I learned so much about how wonderfully, fearfully, and beautifully God has made me. I was able to gain confidence in myself through my confidence in Christ. I was able to pray about that and I realized that I had moved away from this Christ confidence that I had had. I haven't been centering my time around him and I've been letting myself tear me apart and not standing solid on what God has taught me previously about myself and thats not a good place to be. So those were my struggles this past week. As for the other events that happened in my week, we had youth group which was good. Other than that I had a couple papers due this week so I was able to do them. This next week we are onto our Foundations of Church Ministry by proff David Lee (our intern Jen Lee's dad). I'm really excited about this class as the pre-reading material has been very interesting to me. But anyways, those are the things that have been spinning around in my mind. If you could please pray that I'd be able to focus more and more of God and his view of me and that I would begin to feel more freedom to express myself to God through the gifts he has given me that would be awesome. Thank-you so much for all your support!

1 comment:

Marilyn... said...

Will pray as you requested... I know it's a process & for me I try not to let fear be the thing that holds me back from trusting God to use me... sometimes I do better at that than others. Blessings & love,