Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Old Testament Literature

So I feel so educated right now. Last week we had our Old Testament course which was so interesting. That's the one course that I was so excited for as the OT has never really made sense to me. I could figure out what was sort of going on but it didn't make sense to me why all of these events were recorded. Also a lot of the stories where Israel went to battle and destroyed whole nations in one battle never made sense when thinking about God's justice and mercy. It was very enlightening going through the OT and seeing the beauty of Gods character and for even some of these gruesome stories and how they show God's goodness and heart behind them. This time when reading through it I was able to see how just God is even though beforehand my view of justice was much different but it started to make sense. It also made the New Testament come alive to me as well after reading about all these main stories of the Old Testament and learning about what those times were like. It was also neat how the prof taught as before class one of his assistants Olivia (2nd year student at Briercrest who came) lead a devotional so it was really sweet to set aside that time to be reminded of the purpose to which we had come to learn to begin with. Besides classes last week was pretty straight forward. On Friday we met and had a Rock Band night at one of the board of elders house which was lots of fun. The drive there and back was pretty sweet as I got to drive with some of the girls and it was fun to get to know them even better. Then on Sunday we watched Indiana Jones as well as the girls had a fondue. Then to finish off the week on Sunday we had church again and I played piano for them which went very well. Before the service the organist got me to play a song as people came in on the organ. Its funny because I don't play the organ and it was my first time which is unusual but it was lots of fun as he was like "it doesn't matter, I just pray and say God be with my fingers and if you make a mistake so be it" so they are so encouraging and totally are just wing it people which relieves a lot of the pressure. So that was my week, nothing too eventful but it was a great week. This next week is going to be a very eventful one thats for sure, on Monday we have our Old Testament test then on Tuesday we have Theology of Christian Doctrine, Wednesday is my 20th Birthday as well as I have to do QFX where I come alongside a full time staff at the camp and help with whatever they want. Then for the rest of the week we have a girls pj party and then it is Valentines and we're having a brunch and celebration. To go along with that our India team is meeting everyday, I'm feeling quite stressed and have been finding it really hard to stay positive when going to all these meetings as I have so much papers due coming up. So if you could pray that I would just have peace and that I would not stress out about all this work that would be amazing! I'm starting to realize how I cannot do it all on my own, I've been trying to get all this work done and also spend time with my friends and build those friendships but its been getting so hard so I think God has really been trying to slow me down and get me to relax. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

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