Thursday, April 9, 2009

What's your Worldview?

I cannot believe how fast time has flown. I have been back from India for almost two weeks now which seems so surreal. It has been a hard time adjusting-not just emotionally or spiritually but also physically. Once we arrived back from India on Thursday we had a day full of sharing stories and it was so good to hear about how the missions trips to both New York and Vancouver went. Over this past week it has been unexplainable, just processing everything that happened in the two weeks we had in India. Faces are continually being brought up and different stories from those who we were with. On Monday we started our Christian Worldview course by Cal Macfarlane which was hard as I was sick and jet-lagged and it was a pretty deep course with lots of philosophy and history tied in it. We were really challenged through this course to think deeply of what we believe and why. We learned lots about Modernism and Post-modernism and the impacts it has had on our worldview and we tried to dissect it in order to find the proper worldview that we are supposed to have. Even though we spent a week learning about it I know that I for one am still grappling with what a Christian worldview means yet alone what implications it should have in my life. So that was the first week back, this past weekend I had the opportunity to counsel the Jr.'s retreat that was hosted here. I had amazing campers and it was really sweet to get back into the camp scene, I love it so much. They run camp quite differently from what I'm used to so it was neat to see those differences and to be a part of that process. Well along with this comes a amazing story! As you probably can recall, all year I have been asking for you to pray for this one girl in our youth group in Lake Cowichan. Well we have seen her grow so much and she has been so curious about God and his role in our lives. Well this past weekend she was working in the dish pit and through her time here she had decided to accept God's invitation for Salvation! Praise God! She came up to me on the last day with such a huge smile on her face as she told me about how she had just started her walk with the Lord. What a answer to prayer, thank-you so much for praying for her with me. This is another way in which God has continued to remind me that he is working here in Canada as much as he is in India through our prayers. So that was a great way to end the weekend. Then so far this week we have been to Tofino yet again where we spent Monday-Wednesday surfing and exploring the amazing ocean side. Now I am back at the lodge and for the rest of the week I will be busy finishing off two essays and going whitewater kayaking on Saturday. This is our last weekend here at Kaleo and it is so sad to think about. I have been quite stressed lately as I have been trying to decide what I will be doing next year for school which has been a pain so if you could keep that in your prayers. If you could also pray for our youth girl that God would continually mold her more and more into his likeness. That she would look to him for encouragement. I know that she is quite scared about what will happen when we leave after grad and how we have been her lifelines this past year and when we are gone she'll have no one else to turn to. So if you could pray that good role models would come into her life that would be amazing. Sherri and Michelle were Kaleo students last year at the church and this past year they have been running the youth group but they will too be leaving right after our grad to continue on in their lives. So if you could pray for the replacements that will be coming in as well as next year kaleo students, that God would start to prepare their hearts and their minds for that situation that would be great. Also if you could pray for me and my studies this weekend as well as our whole community as we spend our final 9 days together that would be great! Thank-you so much for all your support and prayers!

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