Friday, June 3, 2011

The Countdown Begins...

(Below is a post I wrote a week before leaving Canada but never got down to it til now. Of course now that it is 7 days later I have since arrived in Paraguay safe and sound and I hope to update this blog as soon as I have some free time and know more of what's going on so in the meanwhile, enjoy!):

Only 7 more days and I'm in South America!

This past month has been a whirlwind! Since the last day of exams for the winter semester I have gone to Kelowna (where the picture above was taken), Bonnyville, Saskatoon, Calgary, and now back to Bonnyville to visit family, friends, and to take a modular course on Jeremiah and Daniel so I have been quite busy.

Plans have been coming along just perfectly for Paraguay, which has been such a blessing. My visa has arrived and I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support I have been receiving. I have heard word from 8 people to be on my prayer team, and financially funds have been coming together so praise God. If you would like to join my prayer team please let me know, likewise if you are and do not want to be receiving updates please let me know so I am not hassling you!

In other news, I have been receiving emails daily from SIM missionaries in Paraguay who are anticipating my arrival. I have felt so welcome by all the missionaries both here in Canada and Paraguay! Yesterday I was able to meet the parents of Greg and Renee Stirling, who are the parents of my future mentors and host family while I teach English in Villarrica for 5ish months. Their parents are great people and in my correspondence with the Stirling's in Paraguay I just know I'll love them too! Everyone has been so helpful and encouraging. They have all expressed how much of an answer to prayer I have been and they have all bent over backwards to make sure that my onSite experience will be a good and safe one. It has been quite a humbling experience to be so cared for by people who do not know me but are already thankful and grateful that I am coming down.

In the past few weeks I have also found out more about the language school in Asuncion that I'll be attending. Once I arrive in Paraguay I will be staying with a Paraguayan family. They're a family of 5 (the dad is an elder at the Asuncion church) and him and his wife have 3 beautiful daughters. After my first weekend in Paraguay I have been told that I will dive right into learning Spanish at Berlitz. The family I will be staying with know a little bit of English so my practical Spanish training will commence as soon as I land. This makes me a bit nervous as I do not know any Spanish but I am looking forward to living with a Paraguayan family. This will really force me to learn lots and get to know the culture in a way that I would not be able to do any other way.

That's about it. Some prayer requests are that I would fall in love with the people and culture. Please pray that I will go there with my hands open and ready to give all I am to the people there. Also, please pray that God will continually give me a attitude of thankfulness and humility while I'm there and that I will be focused on what God wants me to do and not what I want to make God do.

Thank-you so much for your support in this!


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